A few weeks back I met an accident!!!
It was a very hot day, I had two client meetings on that day, After meeting I was happy because I got positive reactions from clients as well a job offer from one of the clients. I was returning to home. Driving at a speed of 30. The weather was pathetically hot I was tired too. Suddenly a road breaker came in my way; my bike bounce I press my bike's break but it didn't work. My bike and I both slipped on the road. I was on the other end and my bike was at another end. I got scratches on my hand , on my face, eyes, as well my phone's touch panel broke.

It was deserted place, Nobody was there to help. I stood up, picked my bike. I saw that from engine part oil was leaking. I saw someone coming in a cycle I asked him is there any mechanic? He said it's one km far. Then I walked towards with my bike and after one km of walking I got a mechanic. I asked him to fix my bike. While he was fixing my bike, I was wondering and thinking from past 11 years I am driving never met a single accident and today at the speed of 30 How?
Then I called my brother who is in Delhi I asked him to google about HTC service centers in Raipur or Bhilai and I cut the phone. After a few minutes I got a call from my brother. He told me the address and asked what happened? I told him everything, he consoled me. Then I called my boss, explained him all the things. Then I drive towards my office. My office is in Raipur and I stayed at my aunt's home. I called my aunt and said I have to go to Bhilai as I have some urgent work on the Internet. First Time I lied to her because I know if she will see me in this condition she will be worried. I was around 8:30pm. My aunt was not permitting me but
some how I convinced her. More100 km's I drove that day.
When I back at my
bhilai home
;it was around 10.30pm as I was driving in very slow speed. Actually I wasn't able to drive at a normal speed. I was driving at the speed of 20. When I reached home, my mom saw me and cried, I consoled her and said I am your strong child don't worry I will be fine within a few days.
Next morning consulted a doctor, followed his instruction and within 7-8 days I recovered